In order to submit your application, please fill out the form below or click on the button to download a printable copy of the reservation deposit form.
In order to submit your application, please fill out the form below or click on the button to download a printable copy of the reservation deposit form.
*Please see wire transfer instructions below:
Bank: First Caribbean International Bank
Bank Swift Code: FCIBJMKN
Bank Address: 1- 7 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I.
Name on Account: Barita Investments Limited
Account Number: 113811131
Correspondent Bank: Wells Fargo, N.A., New York, USA.
Correspondent Bank Swift: PNBPUS3NNYC
ABA Code: 026005092
NOTE: Ramsay & Partners in trust for [INSERT YOUR NAME]
(**This note must be included**If this note is not included, funds transfers will not be identified**)